
The Manufacturer section is used to categorize products by manufacturer.

Manufacturers List

Go to EShop -> Catalog -> Manufacturers to access to manufacturers section of EShop.

Create New/Edit a manufacturer

Click on the New button on the toolbar OR click on the manufacturer name on the list to create new/edit a manufacturer.

Manufacturer General

Name Name of manufacturer. The name will be displayed to end-users.
Alias Alias will be used to generate the URL link to the manufacturer. If you unsure what to enter, simply leave it as empty, then system will generate the alias based on the name of manufacturer.
Page Title This will be used as title of manufacturer page. If it is empty, the Name will be used instead of.
Page Heading This will be used as page heading (normally is in <h1> tag) of manufacturer page. If it is empty, the Name will be used instead of.
Description Text that will describe this manufacturer on the manufacturer page, to be viewed by the customers in the store front of the shop.

Manufacturer Data

Email Email of manufacturer.
Url Url of manufacturer.
Manufacturer Image Browse to an image from your computer to upload image for manufacturer.
Published Published this manufacturer or not.